Over the Moon About Dahlias, This iPhone App & Garry Winogrand

Snapshots, Featured


Here is another installment in my Over the Moon About series: a great colorful fall event, a photography exhibit at the Metropolitan Museum of Art and this fun iPhone app that turns photographic images into images that look like paintings.


Dahlia festivals are coming to a town near you


Look at these gorgeous flowers! The 7th Annual Dazzling Dahlias Show is being held in Greenwich, Connecticut on September 20 and 21st.

For those of you living outside of Connecticut, every festival in the United States is listed here. I hope you get a chance to go and watch the award festivities and see the gorgeous flowers up close.



Dahlias. Aren’t these the most colorful flower?



This was an award-winner.



More sweet dahlias.



Dahlias in a box. These were given out for free as you left the ceremony.


Glaze iPhone App


I often share some of my favorite mobile apps with you and give examples of my creations. Today’s installment is the Glaze app. It’s another app, like Waterlogue, that turns images into paintings. Some of my other photo suggestions are here and here.

Glaze-Nancy Moon

Stef heading to the beach in Fire Island, using the Glaze app.


Glaze-Nancy Moon

Look at those blue eyes in Glaze!


Glaze-Nancy Moon

Two tiny fans at the Hampton Classic Horse Show using the Glaze app.


Photographer Garry Winogrand


Dying suddenly at the age of 56, he left behind proof sheets from his earlier years that he had marked but never printed, as well as approximately 6,600 rolls of film (some 250,000 images) that he had never seen, more than one-third of which he had never developed at all; these rolls of film were developed after his death. – The Metropolitan Museum of Art

Garry Winogrand was an American street photographer who documented life in Manhattan and around the country in the 50s until the early 80s. There is a powerful retrospective going on at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in NYC. I went to see it before it closes on September 21. I think his work is genius. Of course there were images that have not been seen before. Perhaps you saw my earlier blog on Vivian Maier, a photographer whose images were discovered in a storage unit after she died.

If you live near New York City I suggest that you dash out to see it before September 21. If not, take a look at some of my favorite images I took on my afternoon jaunt through this photo retrospective.

Thank you Gerardo Somoza for accompanying me at this exhibit. Nothing like having a famous photographer’s perspective!


Garry Winogrand exhibit at the Metropolitan Museum of Art.



New York World’s Fair in 1964 by Garry Winogrand.



All photos by Garry Winogrand.



Rare photo of Garry Winogrand and photographer Diane Arbus at the Museum of Modern Art around 1967.



Actress Drew Barrymore at the Academy Awards in 1983. By Garry Winogrand.



I love this photo from his zoo collection. He photographed at the Bronx and Central Park Zoo. By Garry Winogrand.


Garry Winogrand.

The exhibit was full at the Garry Winogrand exhibit.


Most images are taken with the iPhone 5s. Some are taken with the Canon EOS 5D MarkIII.

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