Women Creatives Following Their Moon



The state of our world has really gotten many of us down. I’m working a bit these days for an organization called Vote Run Lead that trains women to run for political office. They are on track to train 30,000 women to run for public office by 2020. Their work is inspiring and dare I say, creative. Also inspiring and creative is the work of the three female artists below.

Today I start my great adventure at Art Basel in Miami, Florida, for a week of seeing brilliant artwork and also participating in a workshop sponsored by Leica as part of the Miami Street Photography Workshop.

Follow the Moon

What a treat to walk into ABC Carpet & Home in New York City and see Danielle “Bhavya” Winter’s MOONS, yes, these lovely moons. Naturally, given my last name, I’ve always been drawn to moons. I collect art, read books and sleep in sheets with moons. And then there’s this blog. Danielle’s process? She first takes a photograph of the moon and then uses natural pigment inks. She is now creating pillows we all can buy as well. Check her out on Instagram.





leysis quesada vera

When I was first in Havana, Cuba a few years ago, I had the pleasure of going on a studio tour to Leysis’ home. The group of us were in Havana to support a ballet academy, so the fact that her daughters were dancers and her photographs showed this particular style made her work all that more appealing to me.

Prior to that I had seen her work in a NYC gallery, so I was drawn in right away.

And just a month ago her photograph was in the New York Times “Cuban Art Outshines Politics“. Spectacular! Leysis is on Facebook and I have purchased her work. Find her.




vivian maier


Vivian Maier was a street photographer who took over 150,000 photos of mostly Chicago, Los Angeles and New York. She lived as a nanny, mostly in Chicago’s North Shore. None of her photographs were published in her lifetime. There is a fantastic documentary called Finding Vivian Maier that I wrote about back in April 2014.  What’s great for me is that Westport, Connecticut’s Westport Art Center was lucky enough to have a show.

Pamela Bannos has written a new book about Vivian Maier that was recently reviewed in the New York Times. Her book encourages people to view Vivian through a new lens.







All photographs of this gorgeous work are taken by me, unless I’m in the photo of course. Thanks to Kathy Conklin and Steve Gordon for those.  I used my Canon 5D III and iPhone 7.

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