Collapsing Seasons: All At Once, Change


“and all at once, summer collapsed into fall.”

– Oscar Wilde

Less than two weeks ago, summer ended. It felt abrupt, or as Oscar Wilde would say, all at once. I was in Athens, Greece, on September 22, and the awe of seeing the Acropolis just outside my balcony superseded any thoughts I might have had about the changing seasons. It wasn’t until I was back in New York and Connecticut and felt a sudden chill in the air that I realized autumn is upon us. Just today, I saw my first orange leaf blow right by me.

This blog post has some of my favorite summer photos. Next post, I’ll show you some photos from Greece and elsewhere. I hope you’re appreciating this transition.

In the neighborhood, doing pretty well with one hand.


My favorite New York City landmark building….Grand Central Terminal.


Fooling around creating flatlays with my just-picked flowers.


Stefanie made gluten-free pancakes, seen with nearby Dirt Road Farm‘s maple syrup.


Heather, viewing her Osprey nest in Westport. Using my Canon. PS little babies were spotted…..


A painting project, loving the aquas.


Steve picked these for me, it’s our wedding flower and he knows I’m partial.


The Flatiron Building right near my old office. I love this landmark building too!


Ahhhhh, the peony from Evelyn at Butternut Gardens in Southport.


Fireworks, I had to shake it up a bit and I actually envisioned a pink and orange burst, and voila.


I couldn’t resist, Brooklyn Bridge.


Hoola hoops. Elisa makes these for all the kids in at the beach.


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Most of the time I am using my Leica Q or a Canon 5D M3 cameras. Sometimes I use my iPhone.

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