I am grateful to have my Miami at Night photographs selected and shown at the Miami Street Photography Festival during Art Basel. I am grateful for their faith in my work and acknowledgment that what they saw was worthy of seven life-sized photos being sprinkled about the plaza at the Miami History Museum. Simply the best. I am grateful for those in my life that see me, help me grow and encourage my work. I’m grateful for …. so much.
About my Miami at Night series
I selected these from my night series, entitled “Miami, When the sun goes down and the MOON comes up.” Naturally it had to include a Moon.
This is my point of view. I find it no different capturing a drag queen or a farmer or street scene in Cuba. These are not flowers or a pretty spot in Santorini. They are nighttime in Miami, dreamy dark streets where there is so much aliveness. I seek out the people always.
The beauty is in the details. The makeup alone makes me smile. The eyelashes on the entertainer. I found beauty in the unusual.
Approaching strangers has always been rather easy for me, maybe it’s my time working in Public Relations at Madison Square Garden and meeting 500 rock bands of all shapes and sizes and personalities.
My fascination with the human spirit has me often focusing on strangers that sometimes I meet and get to know. I hope to capture more moments like these in my personal projects that are evolving. I’m embracing my projects, after my portfolio reviews I have focus.
The camera I used was a Leica Q which was absolutely perfect for capturing these people in the darkest of situations in the wee hours of the night. Leica loaned me a Leica Q in the past. After I used it for this series, I bought the camera for my own collection. Thank you, Leica!

Around Miami…

Thank you to those who provided photographs Adrianne_Ryan, (thank you for taking the blog cover photo and so many more!) Jose D. Flores Jr. … Francesca Scott … Veronica Valle … Niki Gleoudi … and Syed Yaqeen.
Thanks to Kim Klassen who came in and helped with editing coaching and overall brilliance. And most of all, for your writing class that got me in action to enter the festival in the first place.
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For this blog post I am using my iPhone. Much of the time I am using my Leica Q or a Canon 5D M3 cameras.
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