Coney Island: A Day of Photographing Wonder

New York City

coney island treasures

Coney Island, Brooklyn, is a photographic treasure trove. It’s one of those spots in New York City that make me smile the entire time, regardless of the weather. Why? Because it’s giddy and gaudy and colorful and brings you back to your childhood.

So, on a very-gloomy-sprinkling-day my friend Francesca Scott drove Steve and me out to this special place. It was Steve’s first visit there, imagine…a boy who grew up in New York!

I love the cross section of people: the locals, the body builders, the tourists on rides. Monica, owner of a gift shop on the Boardwalk gifted us a Gay Pride necklace. And finally, in the photos below don’t miss the bride who was married on the iconic Wonder Wheel. She has the perfect tattoo to show her love of Coney Island and the commemoration of her wedding day.

My search for photographic treasure continues, but Coney Island is hard to beat for inspiring wonder. I hope you enjoy these images.













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Most of the times I am using my Leica Q or a Canon 5D Mlll cameras. Sometimes I grab my iPhone.

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