What Do May Flowers Bring? Hello, June!

Flora & Fauna, Featured

May is coming to a close today. I like May because it’s an easy transition month before June, July, and August. The weather is not too hot, the days are longer, but it’s less frenetic than the summer. It’s a month of planning — of getting ready. I have so much going on to get ready for my summer PR events and summer long weekends.

I’m working on a new website / blog project with accompanying logo that is being created as we speak. You will see it shortly. Because of the time to get that ready, I haven’t been blogging here much. I’m eagerly awaiting my new site unveiling, so have missed posting tidbits of things to do and consider. So here are some May memories, some might be very similar to your own. The amusement park with that very special ferris wheel, lunch at Old Salem Farm, the Aspetuck Land Trust hiking moment, our backyard fog, and the bees. Did I mention that I will be involved with beekeeping? I hope to have my own bees by next year at this time. I’m debating about location at the moment since we live on a beach street with much water and no farmland to speak of. So shhhhh, please-do-not-tell-the-neighbors.

I will be back in June with my new look for the blog. My creative geniuses are busy at work.

Saying goodbye doesn’t mean anything. It’s the time we spend together that matters, not how we left it.

Trey Parker


amusement park ©NancyMoon-0162


ferris wheel ©NancyMoon-0192


little girl hiking ©NancyMoon-3022


horseshow little girl ©NancyMoon-2662


horseshow little girl ©NancyMoon-2696


horseshow luncheon ©NancyMoon-2512


fog ©NancyMoon-9577


beekeeping book ©NancyMoon-2902


purple flowers ©NancyMoon-9434


Nancy Moon ©NancyMoon-9640


Thank you for reading!

All photographs are taken by me, unless I have noted otherwise in the caption. I used my Canon 5D III and iPhone 7.

Many of the photographs you see in my blog posts are for sale in my online store. You might just be looking for some color or black and white images for your walls. Or think about gift giving. I take such special care in this creation, delivered in a lovely box. If you don’t see what you desire in the store, write me directly.

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