I look for inspiration everywhere: admiring top photographers work, honing my own photographic style, taking photography workshops. Lately I have taken a hiatus from writing blog posts. Mainly due to my work load and the exciting news that my blog is getting a design overhaul in the coming months. It will be called Over The Moon About.
In preparation, I have been looking through all of my photographs stored on numerous hard drives, some work-related images and some from my visits to Africa, Cuba and Spain. To my surprise, when put in a single location, I had 236,000 photographs from the last fifteen years! There were a lot of duplicates so I started deleting those that didn’t light me up. Hundreds have gone to friends. So far, as of today, I have deleted 166,000 photographs. My current hard drive has only 70,000. Yes, 70,000!
Because I’ve purged so many photos, I feel lighter and ready to shoot more, to refine my style, in a sense, to be a beginner again. What perfect timing that I was able to attend AIPAD, The Association of International Photography Art Dealers, held in New York City. The work was amazing, the artists were in attendance, the critiques and lectures bountiful. Below are some of my show favorites.
Be willing to be a beginner every single morning.
-Meister Eckhart

AIPAD :: Installation by Ellen Carey

My favorite at AIPAD :: Veiled Beauty by Barbara Macklowe

AIPAD Leysis Quesada artist

AIPAD :: Pale Forest by Lisa Holden

AIPAD :: Zebra in Namibia by Christian Cravo

AIPAD Havana’s Nestor Marti

Stephen Wilkes “Day to Night” series