Juxtaposition: Subway Therapy On Way to Holiday Whimsy

New York City, Featured

So here I was on the way to the New York City Union Square holiday fair which is held outside next to the uber fabulous green market. Lo and behold, I couldn’t take my eyes off of the never-ending wall of post-it notes in the “Subway Therapy” area. This installation has taken over a few of the urban subway stations including Union Square. So many grabbed a post-it note, wrote down their thoughts, affirmations, love and fear. {UPDATE: “Sticky Notes Will Be Preserved by the New-York Historical Society”} Governor Cuomo jotted his note:

New York State holds the torch high! – Andrew C.

 ‘Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to be free … I lift my lamp beside the golden door’ Emma Lazarus

As people here and around the country are activated by the political environment, I imagine that art and activism will continue to become a larger part of our daily lives. On this day, for me, I was struck that both the post-it note wall and the holiday market had the same effect: strangers were able to connect over the beauty and whimsy in front of them.


Post-it notes at Union Square subway station





Holiday lit ball ornament @nancymoon

Some of my favorite holiday lights, I use these all year round!


tree at my feet

Elizabeth’s tree


red and green jelly beans at holiday @nancymoon

Who can resist these sugary green and red jelly beans?


Little girl on daddy's shoulder @nancymoon

The holiday parade and the little girl on her daddy’s shoulders


doggies at christmas

My friend’s holiday dogs in Jacksonville


ornament on christmas tree @nancymoon

I’m a sucker for cool ornaments, and those yellow lights


wreath on a wood house

The wreath on the barn


holiday party tree

From a holiday showhouse a few years ago, must replicate


holiday party candles and fireplace

A designer showhouse glow

Thank you for reading! Many of the photographs you see in my blog posts are for sale in my online store. You might just be looking for some color or black and white images for your walls. Or think about gift giving. I take such special care in this creation, delivered in a lovely box. If you don’t see what you desire in the store, write me directly.

All photographs are taken by me, unless I have noted otherwise in the caption. I use my Canon 5D III and the iPhone 7.

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