Beauty is in the Details: A Gadget to Help You Get Closer

Flora & Fauna, Featured


It’s summertime and vacations are aplenty. I’m off again driving back to where I was born in North Carolina to see my mother and step-father, go white water rafting and will report back soon. For the past two weeks, I have been glued to the television watching both the Democratic National Convention and the Republican National Convention. Whew.

One thing I will leave you with: my newest gadget. It is a macro camera lens for my mobile phone. Not the kind that screws on, not the kind that you must dispose of when you change phones or want to use a case that surrounds the lens a bit too much. This one is like a clothespin that will clip onto any and all mobile phones, regardless of the case. If you like taking photography either at a significant wide-angle or extreme close-ups like the detail of the flowers posted here, check out A Mobi-Lens Wide+Macro Smartphone Camera Lens, $19.99 in white, black, and pink.

Stop. Smell the flowers and go have some fun!

Macro flowers

Many of the photographs you see in my blog posts are for sale in my online store. You might just be looking for some color or black and white images for your walls. Or think about gift giving. I take such special care in this creation, delivered in a lovely box .

All photographs are taken by me, unless I have noted otherwise in the caption. I use my Canon 5D III and the iPhone 6+.

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