Pink at my feet

Making (Video) a Centerpiece

Flora & Fauna, Featured


in dirt with friends

For 2016, I’m taking a video class so I’m always looking for opportunities to hone my skills. In March, three friends and I took a “Making a Centerpiece” class at a local garden store. We all foraged around the store looking for materials to use and I made this video. All four of us left the garden store, with some beautiful pieces.

You’ll notice when you view the last photo below that my piece is relatively small. For me, this video is my real centerpiece. Enjoy!




Garden shop class

Garden shop class


Pink at my feet

Pink at my feet


Garden shop

Garden shop


Garden shop

Garden shop


pink flowers



Potting shed

Potting shed


A garden plaque

A garden plaque


Centerpiece gift

The final result


Many of the photographs you see in my blog posts are for sale in my online store. You might just be looking for some color or black and white images for your walls. Or think about gift giving. I take such special care in this creation, delivered in a lovely box.

All photographs are taken by me, unless I have noted otherwise in the caption. I use my Canon 5D III and the iPhone 6+.

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