Over The Moon About These Photo Exhibits, This Photo App

Snapshots, Featured


I follow some great professional photographers on social media.When they come through New York City I go to their shows and attend workshops.  I want to highlight a few of them.

The Robert Mann Gallery is showcasing contemporary Cuban artists in Chelsea, New York City. You are in for a treat if you make it there by May 23, when the show closes. “The Light in Cuban Eyes” featured one of my favorite Cuban photographers, Nestor Marti, who I met in NYC during a book party for Havana Modern. He just happened to be one of our photographic guides while participating in a Cuba workshop with photojournalist Peter Turnley. Personal contacts with Cubans like Nestor have me falling more in love with the Cuban stories, architecture, and culture. I want to go back. Check out this PBS NEWSHOUR article on the show at Robert Mann Gallery, to get a glimpse of all of the artists involved.

Clockwise: Nestor's work; a fan of Cuban art at opening night; Peter Turnley, me, Steve Gordon, and Nestor all visiting after being in Cuba together; and the exhibit book.

Clockwise: Nestor’s work; a fan of Cuban art at opening night; Peter Turnley, me, Steve Gordon, and Nestor all together again after our workshop in Cuba; and the exhibit book.


The Trygve Lie Gallery in New York City features “AFRICA IN TRANSITION” by Magnus Skrede.  Many of the striking photographs from Mozambique, Morocco, Egypt and Tanzania are on view through May 21st.  From the exhibit brochure: “Magnus witnessed the toppling of apartheid firsthand as a child living on a South African Republic farm in the early 1990s. Ever since, Skrede has taken a special interest in prejudices, assumptions and ideas about the continent he partly grew up in – Africa – as a unified geographical place, and its connotations of misery, poverty and backwardness. His work reveals the people, objects and landscapes as sites of hope. It also challenges us to adopt the same attitude.”

Clockwise: Photo exhibit, Magnus Skrede, ©Magnus images; my iphone photograph of Virginia Dean and I helping Magnus hang his show

Clockwise: Photo exhibit, Magnus Skrede, ©Magnus images; my iphone photograph when Virginia Dean and I helped Magnus hang his show.


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And I’m rounding out this Over the Moon About… with a mobile phone app that has captured my attention. The Priime app (sic) is a photo editor for your iPhone that gives you new professional photo finishes, also known as “styles” of some top photographers. I heard about this app from photographer Vivienne Gucwa who created four filters for Priime: Streets, Bushwick, Nice (as in France) and of course….Manhattan. 


Clockwise: My Grand Central Terminal using Priime's Manhattan filter by Vivienne; Vivienne speaking at B&H photo, me holding her book YES first row; another NYC photo "blurred" on purpose, filter is Bushwick by Vivienne; and the app itself.

Clockwise: My iPhone photo of Grand Central Terminal using Priime’s Manhattan filter by Vivienne; Vivienne speaking at B&H photo, me holding her book (YES I am in the first row); another NYC photo “blurred” on purpose, filter is Bushwick by Vivienne; and the app itself.


The Moon PR blog chronicles my love of PR, photography, curiosity, educating and inspiring others … all woven into words and images each week.

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