How Twitter Inspired My Upcoming Photographic Trip to Cuba

Journeys, Featured


The embargo has lifted. And I am going to Havana.

For a long time I have wanted to go on a photographic tour of Cuba.  I am thrilled to study in a workshop setting with one of the world’s most renowned photojournalists, Peter Turnley. What a dream come true. Next week’s trip with 12 photographers is licensed by the US Treasury Department’s Office of Foreign Assets Control. We will learn about the Cuban way of life, see neighborhoods, families, ballet, boxing, music and those cars!

Below are some wonderful photographs of everyday life in Cuba. As with most things in my life, I find great inspiration by seeing images on social media sites like Instagram, Flickr and Twitter. Last fall, I saw my dream safari splashed over Instagram and right then and there decided to book my trip to Africa. I wrote about that here: I’m on Safari and I owe it all to Instagram.

These photographs inspire me. What inspires you?







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Thank you to the wonderful photographers above.

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