Photo Roaming the Streets of Providence, Rhode Island

Journeys, Featured


I missed attending a weekend with bloggers and photographers in Providence, Rhode Island recently. I was so eager to meet two women who I’ve taken classes with. Xanthe Berkeley in from London and Andrea Jenkins from Atlanta. To have them both on the east coast was going to be such a treat for me, but I had to miss it because I was on my way to Africa.

So with Steve and Stefanie in hand, we went to Providence — a city rich in history and modern coolness — for our own (photo) weekend. It is also only two hours away. So close yet a town I had only driven through.

We had a list of all of the places I wanted to stop by. But by the very last hour of our walk I still hadn’t seen the “Providence” street art that you see below. I held up Instagram on my phone as I approached and asked Brown Universtity students and locals where this mural was located. We walked up and down all of these historical streets. But no one I talked to had seen this mural.

I walked up Thayer Street on my own just before we left town. I knew this mural had to be someplace. And voila … there it was.


Street mural as seen off Thayer Street in Providence.


Near the water in Providence.

Near the water in Providence.

The Providence Athenaeum. This historic library, founded in 1838, houses more than 150,000 books. I had read all about this stunning building, look at this ambiance, what a beautiful space to read!


The Providence Athenaeum.

Old fashioned ambiance and old fashioned book lovers. When was the last time you saw a library card catalog?


The Providence Athenaeum.

The Dean Hotel is famous in Providence. With tag lines “Old school meets new school”, “God save the Dean” and “I spent last night with The Dean”, it has been elegantly transformed into a 52-room hotel in the heart of the historic district. We loved the pink neon “FINE” sign.

The Dean Hotel. Providence.


Dean hotel

In the coffee shop at The Dean Hotel. Providence.

The pink “FINE” sign at The Dean Hotel

Dean hotel

The Dean Hotel. Providence.


Blue State Coffee on Thayer Street in Providence.



Brown University in Providence.


avon theatre

Since 1938, in Providence.



Hamburgers and Shakes. Johnny Rockets in Providence.



A Providence home.



Housed in the historic 1799 John Updike House in Providence.



Stef and Steve on the Brown University campus in Providence.



Thayer Street. Providence.



The John Street Studio. Community for artists and craftspeople. Providence.




How lucky were we to pick a weekend when WaterFire was happening. This art installation by Barnaby Evans involves movement, sparkling bonfires, firelight on the arched bridges, torch-lit gondolas traveling down the river. The music piped in all along the Providence River had me feel like I was in Venice, Italy.


WaterFire in Providence.


students providence

Revelers in Providence during WaterFire.


Steve Gordon

Me, with Steve. Taken by Stefanie.


Images in this particular post are taken with the iPhone 5s and the EOS Canon 5D Mark 111 with the 50mm lens.

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