Over the Moon About The Hampton Classic, Making Things & This Pie

Snapshots, Featured


My Over the Moon series continues. Here are three new and different things to tell you about this week. Enjoy!


Hampton Classic Horse Show August 24-31


Christie Brinkley, Mayor Bloomberg, Jon Bon Jovi, Billy Joel.

I love working on publicity for the upcoming Hampton Classic Horse Show. If you find yourself in Bridgehampton at the end of August, and at this horse show, look for me in the press trailer and on the grounds! Tickets are on sale now; details are here.

To entice you, I have enclosed a few images I took at last year’s horse show.

This is absolutely one of my favorite photos. A little shutterbug at the Hampon Classic Horse Show.

This is absolutely one of my favorite photos. A little shutterbug at the Hampton Classic Horse Show.


Hampton Classic, 2013.

Hampton Classic, 2013.


End of the day, storm brewing over the Grand Prix ring.

End of the day, storm brewing over the Grand Prix ring.


Hampton Classic Horse Show.

Hampton Classic Horse Show.


Table setting in Grand Prix tent.

Table setting in Grand Prix tent.


My favorite blueberry pie recipe


Nancy and Stef's Blueberry Pie.

Nancy and Stef’s Blueberry Pie.

Last week I showed you pictures from blueberry picking, all in preparation for the big bake off I had with my step-daughter, Stef.

I’m not a baker at all, really. A few years ago I needed a pie recipe for all of the blueberries I pick. My favorite blueberry pie recipe is from Martha Stewart. I’ve included Martha’s recipe below, thanks to the suggestion of Joanne Tombrakos, who just so happens to be a fabulous cook and baker on top of being an author and Adjunct Professor of Digital Marketing at NYU.

5 cups blueberries * 3/4 cup granulated sugar * 3 Tbsp flour * 1 Tbsp lemon juice * 1/8 Tsp salt

Preheat over to 400 degrees. Combine 5 cups blueberries and ingredients, pour into pie shell, sprinkle with 1/2 recipe Crumb Topping, see that recipe below.

Place pie on foil-lined sheet. Reduce heat to 350 degrees. Bake until fruit bubbles and crust browns, 1.5 hours. If topping begins to brown too quickly, tent with foil. Let cool 6 hours.

TOPPING: In a bowl, mix 1.5 cups flour * 3/4 cup light-brown sugar * 1/3 cup granulated sugar * 1/4 Tsp salt * Cut 1.5 sticks unsalted butter into pieces. With your hands, work into butter pieces, until large clumps form, freeze the remaining 1/2 in plastic storage bags.

Our pie, recipe by Martha Stewart.

Our pie, recipe by Martha Stewart.


I’m over the Moon about making things


Flowers, plants and weeds for the scarf I am about to make.

Flowers, plants and weeds for the scarf I am about to make.

Sun printing, one-of-a-kind cyanotypes using garden botanicals and a special sun printing kit. Big thanks to Terrain… and the uber-talented teacher and artist, Carol Roche. (check out her custom chalkboard sign company, I really want to learn THIS next!) The photo above shows what I started with after foraging around during the morning.

Placing the flowers on the fabric, under the sun with plexiglass on top.

Placing the flowers on the fabric, under the sun with plexiglass on top.


Up close.

Up close.


After the scarf with flowers has been in the sun for 20 minutes, we place in water. Can you see the print beginning to show?

After the scarf with flowers has been in the sun for 20 minutes, we place in water. Can you see the print beginning to show?


Voila, can you see the imprints of the flowers? Scarves and headbands come in different sizes.

Can you see the imprints of the flowers? Scarves and headbands come in different sizes.


Most images are taken with the iPhone 5s. A few are taken with the Canon EOS 5D MarkIII.

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