It took me thirteen days to select my words for 2014. In 2011, 2012, and 2013, I chose one word per year: Abundance, Balance and Clarity. I loved my words and pondered them often, actually found that having a word was more positive for me than making a list of resolutions. I wrote the words on my bathroom mirror in lipstick and taped a list to my computer along with my gratitude and desire list.
Thanks to Chris Brogan for inspiring this post. He says, “The idea is that the words you choose will go past being a simple goal and will become part of the way you identify yourself, and thus, a guiding light for your efforts.” Here’s to that. My three words for 2014 are…
Community: How can I connect with my community more authentically? I can write more letters, re-establish my communities, build my PR business, volunteer, write my new blog as a way of inspiring others.
Create: Create art, be colorful, perfect my photography and visual story telling, read more, travel, create great PR campaigns, take pictures in Africa. I can take more risks.
Growth: Expand my love, my service, my writing, my interests, my business, my hobbies, my travel, my knowledge, my health and well being, my money.
So there you have it, I’m excited to see what happens. Do you have a word, or three, for 2014?
Photos by Nancy Moon; Photos of Nancy Moon contributed by Steve Gordon, Karen Quinn